When does my order get processed?
We aim to ship all orders within 24 hours of receipt. However, please note orders are not shipped on weekends. You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been shipped.
What payment method do you accept?
PayPal payment is available today. We are working to expand to other payment options soon.
Can I change my address after ordering?
Yes, please contact us at krazyeyes4u@gmail.com as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make an address change if your order has already been shipped.
How do I track my order?
If you have chosen a tracked delivery method, your shipment e-mail will include a tracking number that you can track at https://www.track-trace.com/post.
I need to cancel my order. What should I do?
If the order has not been shipped out from our distribution center, it can be cancelled by contacting us by email.  However, it will not be a full refund. We will keep 10% of total order amount as cancellation fee. Our support staff will check your email during business hours and cancel your order.
If you received a tracking number by email, it means your order has already been shipped out and taken by the courier. If the order has already been shipped out, it is not possible to cancel your order. In this case, the package should be returned to the Krazyeyes4u distribution center.
Please check the Returns & Refunds section.
How long does it take to reply to an e-mail?
We aim to review and respond to emails within 24 hours of receipt. Please note that during peak seasons and busy sales periods, response to emails may take longer. Please also note that any emails received on the weekend will be reviewed on the following Monday.
How long does it take to ship?
We usually post within 1 working day of receipt of cleared payment. As it is an international long-distance transportation, Standard Shipping usually takes around 5 - 15 days. All orders are shipped via third-party organizations, and since the shipping times quoted are simply estimates provided to us by them, they are not guaranteed. Krazyeyes4u, therefore, cannot accept returns or issue refunds for orders that arrive later than expected. We will do our best to ship your order as soon as possible.
My tracking number states that the package is delivered, but I did not receive it. What should I do?
Please contact the courier company with the tracking number and check if they might have left your package at a local post office pending your pickup. Delivery may have been attempted but no one may have been present to sign for the package, therefore, it might have been left at a secure location pending your pickup and collection. 
But if you don't have a package…
At this point, you can contact us with your order ID, tracking number, and (written evidence provided by the shipping service provider) package has been lost/lost/shipped. We will submit this case for further investigation and then take necessary measures.
 What are the krazyeyes4u lenses made of?
These lenses are made from Polymacon/Polyhema and Water. The percentage of water content is usually 38%.
Will my eye color affect the color of the lens?
To a certain extent, yes, circle lenses will blend in to your natural eye color, so there may have slight differences compared to the pictures you see on our website.
Recently, my eyes have become inflamed. Can I wear contact lenses?
We do not recommend wearing any cosmetic lenses unless you have been cleared by your vision care doctor. Although your eyes may look like they have healed from an eye infection, your eyes (at the surface) may still be extremely sensitive so it is important you visit your vision care doctor to be safe.
Any other questions?
If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please enter them in the Contact Us section or contact us at krazyeyes4u@gmail.com.